Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Just got home from Puccini's La bohème
performed by the Singapore Lyric Opera at the Esplanade..
It wasn't a sterling performance though I will not say that it was totally bad either..
Nancy Yuen was really good in her role as Mimi as was Kee Chang.. The orchestra on the other hand wasn't too sympathetic to the singers; it ate up their voices on a few occasions.. The other grouse was that the acting and overall direction left much to be desired.. I couldn't feel the romance that Puccini had intended for La bohème..
For this production of La bohème, Sinclair had decided to set it in the 1930's.. Set wise, it was fine except for the bed they used.. It was so distracting because a nagging voice in my head kept telling me that they got it from Ikea! The sheets must have been from Ikea too.. These Ikea furniture do not belong to the 1930s.. Never underestimate your audience.. Also, the set and lighting could have been used better to depict the changing seasons.. Although the shorts worn by the character Schaunard reminded me that summer had come, the costumes still left much to be desired especially that of the main characters since they are always the most scrutinised of the lot..
The bed from Ikea.. You cannot bluff..
Jonathan is good company especially for heavy stuff like opera.. By the way he majors in a Chinese instrument called the ruan.. He insisted that I use this picture with my face cut off because he thinks he looks better in this picture than in the others we took.. Wish granted =)

on top of the world