Friday, October 23, 2009
Here is
Sherlynn and myself
in the traditional wedding ensemble of the Minangkabau for

The headdress she is wearing - called a suntiang - weighs 3.5 kg!

O Father, thank you for giving me
this opportunity to intern at the URA..
Now a step closer to my aim, please be my guide..

Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart,
be all else but naught to me, save that thou art;
be thou my best thought in the day and the night,
both waking and sleeping, thy presence my light.

Be thou my wisdom, be thou my true word,
be thou ever with me, and I with thee Lord;
be thou my great Father, and I thy true son;
be thou in me dwelling, and I with thee one.

Be thou my breastplate, my sword for the fight;
be thou my whole armor, be thou my true might;
be thou my soul's shelter, be thou my strong tower:
O raise thou me heavenward, great Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise:
be thou mine inheritance now and always;
be thou and thou only the first in my heart;
O Sovereign of heaven, my treasure thou art.

High King of heaven, thou heaven's bright sun,
O grant me its joys after victory is won;
great Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
still be thou my vision, O Ruler of all.

Thursday, October 15, 2009
This aria: Je Crois Entendre Encore -
from Bizet's Les Pecheurs de Perles - never fails to enchant me..
Je crois entendre encore
I believe I hear again
Caché sous les palmiers
Hidden beneath the palm trees
Sa voix tendre et sonore
Her tender and resonant voice
Comme un chant de ramiers.
Like the song of a dove.

Oh nuit enchanteresse
Oh enchanting night
Divin ravissement
Divine rapture
Oh souvenir charmant,
Oh lovely memory,
Folle ivresse, doux rêve!
Mad intoxication, sweet dream!
Aux clartés des étoiles
In the clear starlight
Je crois encor la voir
I believe I see her again
Entr'ouvrir ses longs voiles
Between the openings of her long veil
Aux vents tièdes du soir.
In the warm evening breeze.

Oh nuit enchanteresse
Oh night enchantress
Divin ravissement
Divine rapture
Oh souvenir charmant,
Oh lovely memory,
Folle ivresse, doux rêve!
Mad intoxication, sweet dream!
Charmant Souvenir!
Lovely Memory!
Charmant Souvenir!
Lovely Memory!

Saturday, October 10, 2009
The topic was Deskripsi Orang. 80 words at least.
Decided to write funny for my second Bahasa Indonesia essay and got a Bagus Sekali for it!
Nenek Saya

Nenek saya tinggal di rumah saya. Dia sedang menonton televisi sedangkan saya lagi menulis
karangan ini. Dia pandai sekali, karena dia bisa berbahasa Inggris, Cina, Kanton, Perancis dan
Portugal. Dia berkata ke saya: “Kalau kamu tidak pandai seperti saya, kamu bukan cucu saya!”

Nenek saya pendek dan kurus, rambutnya pendek dan lurus. Dia sudah tua. Umurnya delapan
puluh enam tahun tetapi dia masih bisa berjalan cepat. Setiap pagi, dia pergi berlatih Taichi di
Kebun Botani Singapura dan setiap sore, dia pergi berdoa di gereja Katolik di dekat rumah saya. Nenek saya suka makan nasi ayam, tetapi dia tidak bisa makan ayam sekarang, karena giginya tinggal dua. Saya cinta nenek saya.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009
I had a most interesting
Advanced Planning Theories and Techniques
chat room session today..

* Connection successful
You are connected as LIEW BOON XIANG JEVON

Ng Siau Yong: Although, we see more and more incrementalism is adopted to solve local problems.
NG YEW CHOONG: minorities should be treated as humans like in Malaysia
LIEW BOON XIANG JEVON: like how they increasingly set up erp gentries one by one
DENG WEIYI: haha dun get emotional...
Ng Siau Yong: Okie, we will not talk about the problems of minorities here, the question is the approach the government or the planners take...
NG YEW CHOONG: Malaysian minorities are much better off because the minorities there fight for their survivors
Ng Siau Yong: This is a planning lecture, let's come back to the methods and theories.
BAVANI D/O SURYA VARNAN: excuse me yew choong pls come back to topic
NG YEW CHOONG: planning in singapore is a failure in terms of handling density issue
LEE JIA RONG DAWN: yew choong can u stop it
TAN POH NOI CINDY: care to explain?
JEREMY ISSAC: failure??
Ng Siau Yong: All right, this is 9.00pm now, looks like we have come to the end of the day, I think I should take attendance...
LIEW BOON XIANG JEVON: maybe yew choong can explain
Ng Siau Yong: Hmm.. in this chat room, I cannot kick people out huh? even though I am the moderator...
MOHAMED IBRAHIM FOO BIN ABDULLAH: I would like to hear from yew chong too
LEE HAO WEI HOWEI: haha sir, who are u kicking?
DENG WEIYI: this is funny
NEO SZE KEAT: haha...
BRYAN LIM JIT-RONG: its quite obvious
FOO SUAN KIAT: haha, tis is interesting...
MOHAMED IBRAHIM FOO BIN ABDULLAH: who do you think...hahaha
Ng Siau Yong: Class members who have gobe out of topic... I am afraid...
Ng Siau Yong: maybe those who want to talk about other issues can go to another chat room like iRC...
BAVANI D/O SURYA VARNAN: i certainly agree wif u sir
FOO SUAN KIAT: yup tats true
Ng Siau Yong: ok, I am going to take attendance now , ya... when I type your name, please answer, to make sure that you are now log on but away watching TV haha.
MOHAMED IBRAHIM FOO BIN ABDULLAH: should singapore be better off with hinterland
Ng Siau Yong: Bavani?
DENG WEIYI: Sir do you agree with Prof zhu we shld rejoin malaysia?
KOH ENG MENG: can we pause for a while?
Ng Siau Yong: The lecture session is done hor everyone, I am taking attenance now. once I call your name and you answer, you can leave the room, or stay if you wish.
Ng Siau Yong: Jevon?
Ng Siau Yong: Yew Choong?
NG YEW CHOONG: Yes, here
Ng Siau Yong: OK one person missing, haha...maybe he/she went toilet???
Ng Siau Yong: All right, interesting discussion, you can leave the chat room now. or you can stay to keep discussing. But please do not bring in issues outside the scope of Urban planning...thank you very much every one, see you next wednesday, I will try to post the chat log in IVLE later. BYe

DENG WEIYI: bye yew choong
NG YEW CHOONG left the room on 10-6-2009 21:11:18 hrs

on top of the world